How To Get Rid Of Cold Sores

If you are among the many thousands of people who endure the misery from cold sores then you'll be familiar with both the physical discomfort and unsightly facial blemishes that are part of this condition.

Although there is currently no cure for cold sores - once you are infected with the virus it is with you for life - there are a number of things you can do to ease the symptoms of cold sores; namely reducing the discomfort or pain and ensuring the sore heals as quickly as possible and without scarring.

1. What are cold sores?

Cold sores are small, often painful sores that usually appear around the mouth, lips or nose. The sores start as blisters that often burst, weeping the clear fluid and after a few days will scab over and often take 7-10 days to heal completely.

What causes cold sores?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus I (HSV-1), which infect an estimated 70-80 percent of the population. The virus is highly contagious, which means that you should be both careful about becoming infected by someone with a cold sore as well as passing on cold sores to other people.

Once infected with the virus it inhabits the nerve cells until reactivated; this varies from person to person, but common cold sore triggers include stress, a cold or flu, lack of sleep, exposure to sunlight or menstruation.

Cold sore symptoms

The first sign that a cold sore is about to appear is often a tingling or itching sensation in the affected area, followed by the appearance of small fluid-filled blisters; these appear between a several hours to a few days after the tingling first appears and several of the blisters may merge.

You should be careful not to spread the infection to other areas of your body and wash your hands frequently. Be particularly careful of your eyes as the virus can cause complications, including loss of vision.

2. Cold sore treatment

One of the problems of HSV-1 is that once infected it inhabits a sufferer's body for their entire life. Lying dormant in the nerve cells, it may reoccur when the body's defenses are reduced, such as when the sufferer is suffering from a cold or from stress, as mentioned previously. As such there is no actual cure for cold sores, although the symptom itself - the sore - may be treated to ensure rapid healing, as well as reducing discomfort and preventing the likelihood of recurrence.

The only way of ensuring you don't suffer from cold sores is to make sure you don't get infected by the virus in the first place and so you should be careful about kissing anyone who is infected while they have a cold sore. You should also be careful about not being infected through contaminated eating or drinking utensils. Equally, if you are a sufferer you should be careful not to spread the virus to other people.

Cold sore medication

While it is not actually possible to completely cure cold sores, there is anti-viral medication available.

The medication, containing either penciclovir or acyclovir, acts as a suppressant to the herpes simplex virus; that is to say, if it is applied when the sufferer first experiences the tingling sensation it will interfere with the virus's ability to replicate and much reduces the impact of the cold sore outbreak. These treatments are currently expensive, but when used correctly can provide a great deal of relief.

Home remedies for cold sores

There are a number of home remedies for cold sores that many people swear by and they may provide relief for you. They fall into prevention, pain relief and healing.

- Avoid the following situations to prevent recurrence: intense sunlight (or apply sunscreen), as some people's cold sore attacks are brought on by exposure to the ultraviolet radiation present in sunlight; stress; lack of sleep.

- Take regular L-Lysine supplements and double the dose when you experience the tingling sensation. Apply ice to the area as soon as you experience the tingling sensation. This can prevent the cold sore from appearing.

- Cover the cold sore with a petroleum product such as Vaseline to prevent secondary bacterial infection and to help prevent spreading the herpes infection both to other areas of your body and to other people.

- If the cold sore is uncomfortable or painful you should take a pain killer or use a local anesthetic. Also, avoid acidic foods and salt, which are uncomfortable on the sore and may irritate it.

- Use a topical vitamin E cream to help heal the sores and prevent scarring.

In this article I looked at what cold sores are, how they are caused and how to prevent them from occurring. I also discussed cold sore treatments and why there is nothing that is guaranteed to completely cure cold sores, plus how to deal with the symptoms so that they are as short lived as possible.

This article is not intended as a replacement for medical advice and so if your cold sore persists you should see your physician or a qualified pharmacist, particularly if you suffer from a weakened immune system through HIV infection or cancer.

Living in Ohio with her 3 kids, JoBeth Levina has writes articles on a variety of topics she is interested in. If you are interested in more in-depth information on how to get rid of cold sores [] and various cold sore treatment [] options next time you're suffering from them she recommends the e-book Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days by Grace Melgarejo. Available as an instant download you can start using Grace's treatments immediately.

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How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks: Natural Methods for Stretch Mark Removal

How do you get rid of those ugly stretch marks? If you've ever been pregnant or know someone who is, you have undoubtedly heard this question come up a lot. There are of course many creams and treatments that can significantly reduce stretch marks or even get rid of them completely; but there are also natural ways that can help reduce their appearance as well. If you are serious about getting rid of these silvery scars, it's important to consider both the natural alternatives and creams and ointments. Often these home remedies can be made yourself from ingredients found at your local grocery store. Let's examine some popular treatment options.

Eating foods or taking supplements that contain the vitamins A, C, and E can help keep your skin elastic and can reduce the appearance of the scars over time. Ideally these treatments should be applied before the stretch marks start to appear (i.e. early in pregnancy). If they've already appeared, you may want to consider a good anti-stretch mark cream in order to get the best results. For example, one lotion that has been known to be quite effective is Revitol Stretch Mark Cream. Both studies and user reviews have found that with regular application it can significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks, especially when combined with a proper, vitamin-rich diet. Revitol contains natural ingredients such as grapeseed extract, squalene oil, aloe vera as well as vitamins and other nutrients known to help elasticity.

For best results, the manufacturer recommends application twice a day. However, keep in mind that you should also keep your skin hydrated at all times as dehydrated skin can cause the dermis (your inner skin layers) to be less elastic, thus worsening the appearance of stretch marks. And once again keeping up on your vitamins can also help diminish and prevent the unsightly scars. It's also a good idea to exfoliate your skin regularly to keep it soft and supple. Just be sure not to use any harsh soaps that remove the natural oils and dry out the skin. A combination of a good diet, proper hydration and an effective stretch mark lotion should provide the best results, healing your skin and giving you the complexion you desire.

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Beauty Tips for Different Skin Types

Beauty Tips Skincare

Have you ever spent a considerable amount of time in a drugstore trying to figure out which cream or lotion to buy? First you have to choose the brand and then you have to make up your mind about which exactly cream you want to purchase and there are at least 5 types of the same one. Not an easy decision, clearly.

Beauty Tips for Different Skin Types

There are those who think that the almost infinite number of creams and brands is quite unnecessary and it is maybe, however, when you consider that there are different skin types, all of which require different strategy when it comes to skin care, the wide variety of such beauty products does not look completely pointless.

Beauty Tips for Normal Skin
Depending on the texture and tone, there are 5 main skin types that can be distinguished. Normal skin is the easiest one to take care of. However, there is always something you can do to make it even more appealing. Making sure that you clean it every day and applying creams means that the balance between oil and moisture will always be good.

Beauty Tips for Oily Skin
On the other hand, there isn't such a good balance when it comes to oily skin. Here, the production of sebum is increased to such a degree that it becomes quite difficult for people to defend themselves from negative influences. The excess oil attracts dirt and dead skin cells, which are usually accumulated in the pores if proper care is not something that the person does every day. Cleaning your face every single day and using creams for oily skin is crucial.

Beauty Tips for Dry Skin
Dry skin is another extreme as the production of sebum is not really satisfactory, which means that your skin suffers. The process of aging is a lot faster and fine lines become visible very early. Moisturization is, of course, a necessary step, together with good quality hydrating day and night creams.

Beauty Tips for Combination Skin
Out of all skin types, combination skin is very challenging because proper care involves at least two strategies, one for oily skin and one for dry skin. Generally, the T-zone is oily while the cheeks are dry. Fortunately, dermatologists have recognized the need for creating creams that will make it easier for people with this problem to take care of their beauty.

Beauty Tips for Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin is also tricky, because finding the right creams that are not harsh to your face and that do not cause redness and allergies can be frustrating, to say the least. Never go for the brands that do not offer milder versions of their products.