How to Remove Age Spots Naturally

If you are like many people in their thirties, forties and beyond, you may have noticed small dark patches on your skin. These are the beginnings of age spots and something that you might think you need to get used to. Although you will certainly see your fair share of older people who have plenty of these dark spots, you should know that by taking care of your skin now and using the right treatments, you can begin removing age spots naturally.

The first thing you must do, even before you see your first age spots appear, is to start using a moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or above. By putting this on every morning, you will help to protect our face from premature aging. Don't forget to put it on the back of your hands too, since this area is particularly prone to developing this type of spotting.

You can then begin to start working on removing age spots naturally. There are some very good natural products available, but you may also choose to use some of the household products you have at home. This is certainly a much more affordable way to go about removing these spots naturally.

You may have used lemon juice to lighten your hair, and it does the very same thing for your skin. If you have large age spots, you can rub the lemon right on them, or you can use a Q-tip and dip it in a bottle of pure lemon juice. Another product that works in the same manner is buttermilk. It also contains a bleaching agent in it that when applied regularly, will begin removing these spots naturally.

A regular application of apple cider vinegar has been known to effectively fade darker spots. Because it can be particularly effective, make sure not to use it on other parts of your skin. You may find it easiest to apply it by using a swab or a small cotton ball. Interestingly enough, apple cider vinegar is also the most effective at-home treatment for getting rid of warts, too!

There are some amazingly high-priced age spot removal products on the market today, and if money is no object, then you can try those. But, many people are finding that by using natural alternatives, made from products in their own home, that they are achieving the very same results and doing it without using chemicals or toxic products.

Ingela Johansson is a writer and researcher on skin care topics such as removing age spots naturally. Save time and money by getting FREE in-depth skin care tips and anti aging secrets at this blog:

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